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Summer Tips for Caregivers

Summer Tips for Caregivers

Posted on
July 18, 2024

As summer approaches, taking precautions against the heat and sun becomes imperative. If you're a caregiver, this means ensuring the well-being and comfort of your loved one. However, you can't adequately care for your family member if you don't maintain your own health and safety. Consider these tips to stay safe this upcoming season, and take full advantage of the warm, sunny days of summer.  

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated during the summer isn't just a friendly recommendation. It's a necessity to prevent dehydration from harming your health. Research suggests men should drink 15.5 cups of water per day, while women should consume 11.5 cups. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day, even when you don't feel thirsty. 

If you're worried about water consumption, try integrating hydrating foods, including watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce, into your meals. Additionally, limit your caffeine or alcohol intake. These drinks can contribute to dehydration. 

Monitor Sun Exposure

Spending too much time in the sun can cause a multitude of health issues, including dehydration, sun poisoning, and skin or eye damage. If you and your loved one enjoy being outside, monitor how long you're in the sun to avoid overdoing it. This also applies if you're swimming in an outdoor pool or lake. Being in the water cools you down, but it doesn't protect against the sun. 

However, this doesn't mean you have to avoid the outdoors on hot days. Visit places that offer ample shade or air-conditioned indoor areas. The Village at Woods Edge offers floor plans with patios or balconies for our Independent Living residents. These offer shaded spaces to host outdoor gatherings without worrying about too much sun exposure. 

Plan Indoor Activities

Plan indoor activities to stay entertained during the hottest hours of the day. Temperatures typically increase in the afternoon, driving people to seek relief from the oppressive heat. This presents an ideal opportunity to post up in an air-conditioned room to read a book, engage in arts and crafts, or bake a refreshing summer treat, such as a strawberry shortcake or zucchini bread. 

We ensure there's never a dull moment at The Village at Woods Edge, no matter the weather. Our campus offers life-enriching indoor activities, including cooking classes, games, and lifelong learning events, to help our residents stay busy. As a caregiver, you can visit anytime to participate in activities with your loved one. 

Stay Informed on Upcoming Weather

Checking the upcoming forecast and tracking weather patterns can help you plan summer days accordingly. Use the weather app on your phone, or subscribe to notifications from a local news outlet to stay informed. This will ensure you don't schedule an outing to an outdoor attraction during the hottest day of the week. Becoming familiar with local weather patterns can also help you identify what times of day have the highest temperatures so you can move indoors. 

Maintain a Routine

In the summer, it can be easy to fall into the habit of spending lazy days by the pool or lounging in the air conditioning. However, building and maintaining a routine can encourage productivity, helping you and your loved one stay active. Consider getting outside first thing in the morning to take a walk, tend to your garden, or visit a nearby park. 

During the afternoon, rotate through different indoor activities to keep the momentum going. At night, temperatures typically drop, presenting another opportunity to step outside. If it makes building routine easier, buy a calendar or planner you and your family member can maintain together to outline your days. 

Prioritize Self-Care

Summer often sparks feelings of excitement and adventure, making you want to fill every moment with a fun activity or outing. However, don't forget to listen to your body. If you start feeling tired or low on energy, take a step back to recharge. Ask another family member if they can check on your loved one so you can catch up on sleep, spend time with friends, or enjoy other self-care activities, such as yoga, gardening, or reading. 

This may be a hard decision to make. Many people become caregivers because they enjoy spending time with their loved one. But when you prioritize self-care and take a moment for yourself, you can resume caregiving duties with newfound energy, making time spent with your family member more enjoyable for both of you. 

Visit The Village at Woods Edge

Summer presents warmer weather, ample sunshine, and endless possibilities for outdoor exploration and entertainment. It also raises safety and health concerns. At The Village at Woods Edge, we offer caregiver support and resources to make your job easier throughout the year, especially during summer. Schedule a tour with us today by calling 757-517-2791, and learn more information about our available resources.

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